Membership Information
As detailed in our mission statement, the LeRoy Business Council aims to promote and represent the common interests of the businesses, professionals, and industries in the Village and Town of LeRoy. To that end, membership in the LBC is open to any individual, business, industry, non-profit, or organization doing business in the LeRoy area.
Membership in the LBC is $50 per year. It includes a listing on our website; the ability to participate in LBC meetings, programs, and committees; and, most importantly, the opportunity to contribute to our community.
To join, please fill out your information below. Once we have received your information, you will be sent an invoice to the email provided. There is also a printable version that can be sent to LeRoy Business Council, PO Box 263, LeRoy, NY 14482.
Please feel free to reach out to our Board of Directors for further information, and we look forward to welcoming you into the LBC!
LBC Meetings
Business Council Meetings are held the First Monday of every month, unless it is a holiday.
We like to have local businesses host our meetings so the council can learn more about your business! The host will give a short presentation to the council to tell everyone about you and your business. You must be a member to host. Hosts also have the opportunity to have a business spotlight video filmed during the meeting they are hosting that will be shared on the LBC Facebook page!
Interested in hosting a meeting? Fill out your information below and we will contact you to set up a time to host